Capture One have a generous 30 day trial of the software, which is time to get to grips with it and see what it can do. If you are thinking of moving from Lightroom, I would say give it a go. Obviously I am not privy to why, but I am sure they have their reasons. You used to be able to easily find a 10% voucher, but since the end of 2018, Capture One seem to have cut them.
Capture One have also ceased their discount codes, which again seems to be a little harsh. There are many reports of version 11 working fine in Mojave, but as a professional, I cannot risk it. If the answer is yes, then you really do need to upgrade.
#Capture one pro 12 news upgrade
However, if you use a Mac, this is more of a do you want to upgrade to Mojave. If you are PC based, you may want to skip this version unless, like me, there are features that will help your workflow. However, it is not that simple for a lot of people. The added benefits of better masking is also great for the way I work. For more information on developing Capture One plug-ins, see the developer portal on As part of the new Plug-in platform, Edit with and Open with are re-factored as plug- ins. The plugin support for JPEG mini and intelligent copy paste features will save me enough time to easily justify it. Capture One 12 introduces a new Plug-in platform for developers wishing to build content and functionality for the Capture One community. I love that you can purchase Capture One outright, but it does feel like they are slowly creeping towards the subscription model like everybody else. Whilst I understand it from a business point of view, it does feel like, as a Mac user, you are forced to upgrade every year. Obviously if you pay monthly this isn’t a big problem, but if you own the software outright, the upgrade price of £150 (US$195) feels a little steep just to use the latest version of an OS. This means that if you want to use Capture One with OsX Mojave, you need to upgrade to version 12. With the release of version 12, support for version 11 has now ended.
#Capture one pro 12 news mac osx
Mac OSX Mojave supportĪs a Mac user, this is my biggest pet peeve with Capture One.
In all seriousness though, this is awesome for all you Fuji Owners. Now if only I can get DPS to fund the rental of a a Medium Format Fuji, I can do an in depth test for you all (editor’s note: I wouldn’t mind one myself). This means you can add the FujiFilm preset onto your images and use this as a starting point in your editing. I don’t currently shoot Fuji (I do lust over their Medium Format Cameras) but for those that do, Capture One have now developed (alongside FujiFilm) the different Film simulations available in their cameras. At launch the plugins are limited, but this will grow and become a great time saver for many users.